Light Semolina Cake with Banana and Chocolate Chips

This winter, I got a new Seb yoghurt-maker that also allows me to prepare dairy desserts as well as cakes. By experimenting with a few of the recipes given with the device and changing some of the ingredients, I stumbled upon a very simple recipe to make tasty cakes with many declinations, depending on what…

Pancakes, quick and easy

For quite a long time, I have been struggling to find a great pancakes recipe. I finally found an excellent one that is super simple and so fast to make that you won’t ever hesitate again to make it whenever you feel like having a great breakfast. Prepare your maple syrup, heat up your crepe…

Homemade Soft Cookies with Dark Chocolate Chips and Crispy Peanut Butter

Let’s prepare some chocolate chips and crunchy peanut butter cookies! That will make for a perfect match of flavors, and a real treat which you’ll have a hard time resisting to. You can also easily control the entirety of the composition of your cookies by making the chocolate chips and peanut butter yourself, which I…

Fig-Cinnamon Almond Tart

After baking this dessert 3 times these past 2 weeks and getting a lot of requests, here is the recipe of my fig-cinnamon almond tart. It is a real treat, to be eaten lukewarm for a savorier experience. Preparation time: 10 minutes Baking time: 10 + 45 minutes Ingredients: For the crust: – a pre-made…