Colorful Apple, Chioggia Beet and Smoked Trout Salad

I recently discovered Chioggia beets by chance at my farmer’s market, as I was looking for something to replace radish. If Chioggia’s taste is definitely not the same as radish’s, this immensely original vegetable has a rightful place in your kitchen, especially raw in your salads. Its taste is more subtle that that of the…

Smooth Cress Cream Soup

I already told you about cress previously, that rarely-used mustard tasting salad. The cream soup of today is a perfect way to introduce that vegetable to oneself’s diet. Very simple to cool, it will introduce you to cress in a soft and generous way. Prep time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Ingredients (2 people): –…

Cress, Beet, Crottin Goat Cheese and Walnut Quiche

Plant with a strong and sulfurated taste – as in riche in notes of sulfide, mustard-like -, cress will go very well, fresh or fried, as a side to a piece of red meat. On the other hand, it will also be very good in a quiche, along with some more salty and sweet notes…

Pink Veal Liver and its Apples with Walnuts and Roquefort Sauce

This meal simply is one of my guilty pleasures. The sugar of the caramelized apples is exalted by the saltiness of the Roquefort in the sauce, its walnuts adding a woody and moldy taste which give that much more intensity. Let us not forget the veal liver, which melts in your mouth like butter, and…