Colorful Apple, Chioggia Beet and Smoked Trout Salad

I recently discovered Chioggia beets by chance at my farmer’s market, as I was looking for something to replace radish. If Chioggia’s taste is definitely not the same as radish’s, this immensely original vegetable has a rightful place in your kitchen, especially raw in your salads. Its taste is more subtle that that of the…

Cress, Beet, Crottin Goat Cheese and Walnut Quiche

Plant with a strong and sulfurated taste – as in riche in notes of sulfide, mustard-like -, cress will go very well, fresh or fried, as a side to a piece of red meat. On the other hand, it will also be very good in a quiche, along with some more salty and sweet notes…