Let’s Be Seasonal : Month of May

In France, the month of may is known for two things. The first one is the many holidays we have, which allow us to take long week-ends, and as such give us time to wander around markets, cook and take long meals. The second is the arrival of a sunnier weather, and with it many…

Cress, Beet, Crottin Goat Cheese and Walnut Quiche

Plant with a strong and sulfurated taste – as in riche in notes of sulfide, mustard-like -, cress will go very well, fresh or fried, as a side to a piece of red meat. On the other hand, it will also be very good in a quiche, along with some more salty and sweet notes…

Marinated Salmon, Leek and Mustard Quiche

Prep time: 40 minutes Cooking time : 50 minutes Ingredients for a 6 persons quiche: For the pastry: – ome premade shortcrust pastry or – 300g flour – 150g butter – 1 pinch salt – 1/2 glass lukewarm water (about 8cl) For the filling: – 3 leeks – 1 yellow onion – 300g fresh salmon –…