Salmon and Potatoe Gratin

A whole meal that is rich and – all things considered – easy to make. This delicious oven dish will delight taste buds of all ages. Let’s rush to the stove !

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Baking time:
– Precook of potatoes: 15 à 20 minutes
– Precook of salmon: 10 minutes
– Preparation of Béchamel sauce: 15 à 20 minutes
– Oven broil of the dish: 25 à 30 minutes


For the Béchamel sauce:
– 800ml of pre-made Béchamel sauce
– 75g of butter
– 75g of flour
– 800ml of milk
– ground nutmeg
– salt, pepper

For the gratin:
– 4 to 5 big potatoes with firm texture (Charlotte, Rate, Belle de Fontenay, …)
– 2 big onions
– 300g of fresh salmon
– 100 to 150g of grated cheese (Emmental, or Comté for a stronger taste)
– butter

Precooking of the various ingredients
First, take care of the potatoes: peel them and let them soak for a while to remove the excess of amidon. Depending on your cookware, steam them or boil them in a simple saucepan or in a pressure cooker. The objective is to have them cooked before even adding them in the gratin, while making sure they stay firm enough to not crush when you slice them. If you so want, you could even slice them before boiling them, so as not to burn yourself cutting them after.

As you start cooking the potatoes, chisel the onions and sauté them in a frying pan with some oil and a pinch of salt. Start doing the Béchamel sauce as well, if you are doing it yourself (refer to my recipe).

Once the onions are colouring, add the salmon to the pan. Let it color as well. Once cooked, salt and pepper it, and crush it with a fork before cutting the fire and putting a lid on the pan.

Preparation of the gratin
Once all those elements are ready, preheat your oven at 200ºC (thermostat 6-7), and prepare you gratin dish. To do so, spread butter on it using kitchen towel. Try not to burn yourself slicing the potatoes, and line half of it at the bottom of the dish. Add the salmon mix on top of it, then the rest of the potatoes. Add the cheese, then soak everything in Béchamel sauce.

Cover the dish with a sheet of aluminium, and put it in the oven for 25 minutes. At the end of the baking, add a little time without the aluminium sheet, so as to colour the gratin.
Recouvrir le plat d’un papier aluminium, et enfourner le plat pendant 25 minutes. En fin de cuisson, vous pouvez ajouter un peu de temps et retirer le papier aluminum, afin de colorer votre gratin. Enjoy!

Also published on Medium.

This post is also available in: French

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